
Changwan Park

Hello! I use id pcw109550, diff, or diff72840089. You can call me diff. I build stuff in the morning/afternoon, break stuff in the evening, and make things decentralized at night.

Contact me at pcw109550 at or at X, LinkedIn, GitHub.

Interests: Blockchain, Cryptography, Virtual Machines, Rollups


Software Engineer @ Test in Prod, 2023.3 ~

Software Engineer @ Entropy Paradox, 2022.5 ~ 2023.3

Software Engineer @ Sendbird, 2021.3 ~ 2022.5

Intern @ Crazing Lab, 2020.3 ~ 2020.8

Honors And Awards

DEF CON CTF Finalist, 2024

SECCON CTF International Division Finalist, 2023

Korea Crypto Analysis Contest(암호분석경진대회) 2nd Place, 2023

CODEGATE CTF Finals University Division 1st Place, 2023

DEF CON CTF Finalist, 2023

Cyber Conflict Exercise General Division 3rd Place, 2023

CODEGATE CTF Finals University Division 1st Place, 2022

Korea Crypto Analysis Contest(암호분석경진대회) 1st Place, 2022

DEF CON CTF Finalist, 2022

DEF CON CTF Finalist, 2019

Korea National Crypto Contest(국가암호공모전) Div2(Problem Solving) 2nd place, 2019

Korea National Crypto Contest(국가암호공모전) Div2(Problem Solving) 1st place, 2018


CTF Writeups, 2018 ~

CTF Challenge Author, 2019 ~


KAIST, 2017 ~ 2025(Expected)

UC Santa Cruz, 2019 Summer